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EMILAY WHITENING ORIGINAL RP 190.000 PIN BB : 2104654B[Jan. 12, 2012 9:41:26]
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OriginUnited States
" Whitening EmiLay softgel from USA" : It' s a USA

Beauty Whitening Skin Secret for you dear beautiful, white, smooth, smooth, shining is the dream of all women. But because it' s so expensive beauty treatments only certain circles who can get top quality beauty treatments.

UN GOOD NEWS ... YOU TUK ASIAN WOMEN! We present EMILAY to you all who want beautiful skin, white, smooth, smooth, smooth, shiny and supple, of course, does not deplete pocket millions.

EMILAY WHITENING MARKET ALSO THROUGH ASIA, AFRICA AND AMERICA. BEST SELLER IN 26 COUNTRIES! Excess Emilay other than the bleach Supplement: Softgel easily absorbed by the body * How to Drink: 2 x 1 hr ( morning - evening) One woman is an enemy who uneven skin, the emergence of noda2 black spots - freckles / spots. This will occur along with changes / condition of skin color. Because skin color is highly dependent on the pigment under the skin called melanin By yg yg daily routine intensive care using a string of reply in accordance with the conditions of the skin, you now not only will have the appearance of facial skin riveting y provoke a sense PD jg tp you. As of 25-35 days, you will feel yourself the changes that occurred in the skin of the face also the entire body. Composition 100% Pure Natural Extracts vegetabels:
1) Grape Seed / WINE

* Benefits of the Sure Emilay: - whitening - skin tightening - reduces acne - acne blemishes - removing skin spots ( taucho)
- The skin feels soft and supple - preventing premature aging - beautify the skin ( more fresh and healthy)
- High in antioxidants - disguise the excess pigmentation ( dark spots, scars mark)
- No peeling
- Eliminate toxins / poisons in the body Emilay this will benefit the skin whitening effect is usually achieved in about 3 weeks, Attention please help you consume it regularly and properly disciplined. RESULTS Optimal usually 2-3 Months for Natural White ( Depending on the level of white that you want to)
Pregnant women have disorders Kidney & Liver Lever: not allowed.
Manufactured by: Nutritional PRODUCT CO.LTD. CMP QUALITY MADE IN USA 100 & Recycable, 100% Certificated Laboratory Tested price: Rp. 190 000, - / 60 Capsules ?
TO ORDER: 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B

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