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AGEN GROSIR OBAT PENINGGI BADAN / TUBUH ( GROW UP ) RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B[Jan. 15, 2012 20:36:16]
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OriginUnited States
Body elevator - the elevator body medicine " GROW-UP USA " multi supplements improvement body
If you feel short stature should consume " GROW-UP " .

- " GROW-UP " is a cure body improvement for all ages, these products are created from the latest innovation is supported by research and evidence.

" GROW-UP " is a herbal medicine derived from natural spices in peroses with leading edge technology by scientists in the United States.

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-clinically after the creation of " GROW-UP " a lot of requests to be sold freely to halayak for being so great and evident.
Without side effects 100% safe.

" GROW-UP " multi drug because it can be said also for strengthening the memory or IQ and setamina body to stay healthy, vitamin along hari.cocok in the consumption of students who require high memory and konsentarasi.

" GROW-UP " to the consumption of men and women for all ages within a month of your height will increase 5-15cm.

Origin: United States
Price: Rp 150.000, -
Neto: 250 capsul.

NO HP: 0813 4365 4054
021 7068 9922
BB PIN: 2104654B

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Send it to no hp: 081, 343, 654, 054

Example of an SMS ( eg your name fatur rohman) :
Fatur, Order 2 boxes, growing Agency, Jl 15 RT08 RW017 Paledang Village district pralaya ambaran bandung west java 14 520, via BCA
( Send to a no: 081.343.654.054)

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transfer is Rp. 300 000 for 2 boxes via BCA AGENCY, from Fatur ( Black)
send via SMS to: 081, 343, 654, 054
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