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 Products Catalog:PENGHILANG BULU / PERONTOK RAMBUT PERMANEN HERBAL 100% ORIGINAL PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:LULUR BANCI TAILAND Hp.081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:VACUM + CREAM PEMBESAR PAYUDARA / PERAWATAN DADA BESAR HERBAL 100% ORIGINAL Rp.300.000 Hp.0813.4365.4054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:Nano Active Gold Mask Rp.95.000 HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:LACOS WHITENING BODY SOAP GOLD HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:Natural Crystal X For Women ( Obat Keputihan, Perapet) TERMURAH PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR OBAT PENINGGI BADAN / TUBUH ( GROW UP ) RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR Pemutih Wajah TENSUNG Aman 100% RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR ABC ACAI BERRY DIETARY SUPPLEMENT SOFT GEL kwalitas no.1 harga grosir Rp 150.000 BELI 2 BONUS 1 HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN grosir pelangsing fruit & plant slimming herbal berkwalitas Rp. 150.000 . HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:EMILAY WHITENING ORIGINAL RP 190.000 PIN BB : 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR Pelangsing Badan Lida Daidaihua Ampuh Turunkan Berat Badan Hingga 15kg Dalam 1 BulanRp. 160.000 . HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:CELANA HERNIA MAGNETIK DAN OBAT HERNIA HERBAL Rp.300.000 Hp.0813.4365.4054 pin bb 2104654B  Products Catalog:Penghilang selulit Guratan Pada Wanita Pasca Melahirkan Harga 135.000 Hp.081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:NATURAL BAMBOO SLIMMING SUIT IDR 150.000. Hp.081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:OBAT MATA / PIL + TETES MATA SUPER ATASI MIN / PLUS / KATARAK HERBAL 100% ORIGINAL PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:Pemutih Ketiak & Selangkangan Hasil Permanen 100% Herbal @ .130.000 Beli 2 Bonus 1. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PENUMBUH RAMBUT HAIRTONIKUM RP 150.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PEMUTIH GIGI super bersih CLEANNESS TOOTH Harga : 130.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PAKET WHITENING CREAM BIOCENT RP 150.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PELANGSING FATLOSS LOGO JIMPNESS BEAUTY, PROMO BELI 12 Pack SPESIAL HARGA 850, 000, PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:PEMUTIH BADAN ALAMI BODY WHITENING JADIKAN KULIT PUTIH DAN BERSIH Rp, .140.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR MEILIBAHENLING PENGHILANG BEKAS LUKA LAMA MAUPUN BARU RP 110.000 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSISR PELANGSING TUBUH / BADAN HERBAL ( MEIZITANG ) RP 150.000. HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B  Products Catalog:AGEN GROSIR PENGGEMUK BADAN SUPER ( KANPI BUWAN) GINGSENG RP 150.000 HP HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B 

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AGEN GROSIR ABC ACAI BERRY DIETARY SUPPLEMENT SOFT GEL kwalitas no.1 harga grosir Rp 150.000 BELI 2 BONUS 1 HP 081343654054 PIN BB 2104654B[Jan. 15, 2012 20:32:08]
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque, L/C
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OriginUnited States
ABC Acai Berry Dietary SUPPLEMENT SOFT GEL is a capsule-wide as the body slimming and diet products for weight loss. ( Enter the show Oprah)

ABC Acai Berry
Contents: 500 mg x 30 capsules

ABC Acai Berry is the perfect combination of the acai berry fruit and traditional Chinese herbs are best for weight loss 3 kg or more in just 1 week.

ABC Benefits of Acai Berry:
* Napsu reduced feeding
* Skin becomes nice
Increased metabolism *
* No side effects
* There is no effect to plump back
And can go down to 13 pounds in just 1 month!

ABC Acai Berry is a body slimming pill with 100% natural product that has double the effect rapidly reduces body fat and beautify your skin.

Composition ABC Acai Berry: Acaiberry, Aloe, Chitosan, Garcinia cambogia, Dietary Fiber, Green Tea, Coenzyme Q10, oriental waterplantain rhizome.

Target weight loss:
Focus on the waist, abdomen and other parts of the body where a lot of accumulated fat.
Dosage: 1 capsule, 1 time a day.

ABC Dietary Supplements Acai Berry is a form of soft gel capsules.
For the ages between 16-60 yrs.

ABC Acai Berry is known as the fruit is widely used in diet products slimming the body, but it can also beautify the skin. Acai Berry is now packaged in one package Slimming Herbs: ABC Acai Berry ( 500mg contents of 30 Soft Gels) .

ABC Acai Berry with a content of 30 Capsul Soft Gel is one of the best products for weight loss is excessive.

ABC Acai Berry is a dietary supplement made from herbs that will control the appetite, lose weight safely and effectively, its effect can be felt immediately since it was first consumed. Soft gel form, so instantly absorbed by the body, and work quickly since first drink.

Without Sports Without Surgery Without Strict Diet Without Injection.

- Shaped like vitamin softgel form.
- Safe consumed because 100% of the herbs.
- Contains a wide range of plants that can make so young and did not make the skin dull.
- It is suitable for those who want to consume slimming but there is no time to the gym ( fitness / sports) .
- Increase Metabolism With Burn Fat, Throw Through Sweat And Urine.
- Potential Effect Haus, So Should Drink lots of water.
- Holding Your Appetite Since First Drink.

How to use:
- Drink one ( 1) softgel with warm water in the morning before / after breakfast ( not more than 1 sofgel, a packet can be for 30 days) .
- Avoid while Milk, Coffee, Alcohol, And Soda because it can neutralize the effects of any medicine.
- Expand and fibrous foods like buah2an sayur2an, who have constipation ( difficult bowel movements) can routinely slimming tea consumption.
- Prohibited for Pregnant Women & Breastfeeding.
- For Ages 18 to 60 years.
- For ulcer patients, it is advisable to eat breakfast before taking Acai Berry ABC.

The effects of soft gel:
- Incurred excessive thirst .. for fat removal through urine.
- Napsu eating less so that appetite can be controlled.
- The rest does not disturb sleep or any activities.

100% Original GUARANTEED WEIGHT DOWN is already well-known product in the USA and RUSSIA.

Why ABC Acai Berry?
- 100% natural ingredients with a blend of the acai berry fruit and traditional Chinese herbs selected.
- No side effects like dizziness and frequent bowel movements. So it does not interfere with your routine activities.
- It has been proven that the fruit of the acai berry has a lot of very useful content for the body as a useful omega9 omega6 and reduce the threat of heart, as well as other content such as phosphorus, calcium, potassium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc..
- Rich in fiber so that makes us feel full faster and effectively restrain appetite.
- May increase the metabolism of the body and skin care.
- ABC acai berry is a best seller in the market of products that exist today and guarantee the quality of the forefront of other products!

Who should buy ABC Acai Berry?
- Women / Men who crave a beautiful posture and is often fooled by products that are less qualified.
- Women / Men busy with activities that require a practical but effective supplements produce a great impact.
- Agent of drugs that are looking for weight loss products of assured quality.
- People who want to give to loved ones in order to obtain a more ideal posture.

- This product is not suitable for pregnant women, heart disease, and epilepsy.
- It can not be taken with other drugs such as Panadol, antibiotics, etc..

* Buy 1 Package Price Rp. 150.000, -
( BUY 2 BONUS 1 )
* Buy 6 Pack Price Rp. 600.000, -

* Buy 12 Packs Price Rp. 1.000.000, -

NO HP: 0813 4365 4054
021 7068 9922
BB PIN: 2104654B

1. State the full name
2. State the full address + zip code ( to determine the postage)
3. Mention how many boxes you ordered Acai Berry
4. Select BCA / BNI / SELF / BRI for your transfer

Send it to no hp: 081, 343, 654, 054

Example of an SMS ( eg your name fatur rohman) :
Fatur, Order 2 boxes, Acai Berry, Road No.15 Paledang RT08 RW017 Village district pralaya ambaran bandung west java 14 520, via BCA
( Send to a no: 081.343.654.054)

Next we will reply to the total price + postage + bank brand.
Confirm your payment after the transfer:
example of sms confirmation transfers:
transfer is Rp. 300.000 for 2 boxes via BCA Acai Berry, from Fatur ( Black)
send via SMS to: 081, 343, 654, 054
Packages sent neat ( plain to maintain your privacy) .

Payment Method Please Transfer To:

Bank Account

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. flagpole

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. Roa Malacca

AN. Fathur Rohman
Cab. Jakarta City
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