NEW BioPower is a slow-release fertilizer in capsule format containing living microbes that functions similar to a " probiotic" . BioPower NEW is given as regular fertilizer with the ability to....
Healthy Rice BerSeka� � , is produced from Priangan West Java rice fields, located by the mountain range, with the pure water that comes from the mountain as the water resources, the rice fields has a....
Attendance at home parks, residential areas and city parks form the green open space ( RTH) can create an atmosphere of calm and sanity itself. Various plants to cleanly also can produce beautiful....
We sell natural manure mixed yet we do not serve the delivery of goods but the goods taken
Of the 1990s, soil chemists, agricultural machinery and started research for efforts to overcome the excesses sole use of fertilizers ( Urea, SP and KCL) -common practice of farmers. Form of single....
Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs of fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of appropriate soil fertility conditions and soil....
HOW TO RAISING TREE JABON Earlier I described the problem method jabon tree spacing measure in general: * Jabon to live at an altitude of 0000-1000 asl ( above sea level) * Patterns of Forest....
CV JABON INVESTAMA BANDUNG, Comanditer Legal Entity, which is located at Jl Raya Nagreg, underwent field of environment-related businesses, particularly forestry and plantation crop-based industrial....
PT. Sampurna ABADI Follows: Official Manufacturer Organic Fertilizer plus incentive grows with Brand TOP FARMERS leaf extract made from leaves of herbs that can fertilize plants at once capable of....
Organic liquid fertilizer ( POC) first made from the leaves of the herbal extract that is able to fertilize crops and also able to control plant pests so that farmers' crops become more leverage. ....
Organic Liquid Fertilizer, Complete and multipurpose BIOCOSAN is the complete liquid fertilizer that supported the growing of roots, tree trunks, leaves and even fruits.
Coffee is an export commodity that was encouraging because it has relatively high economic value in domestic and world market, hence the coffee plant is one of the leading commodity. Indonesia became....
Agricultural cultivation practices which only consider the results of a moment without concern for damage effects in the future to make the destruction of agricultural land fertility due to the....
Biophoskko ( L 180) dimension ( height = 90 cm, diameter = 55 cm) made from HDPE plastic drum ( kind of strong material) thickness of 3 to 3.3 mm of solid materials, aeration pipe with the Indonesian....
3R or Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle up to now is still the best way to manage and handle waste with various problems. Application of the 3R system or reuse, reduce, and recycle to be one solution to....
Gramalet � � Pepper is a complete compound fertilizer formulating specific to pepper plants will greatly help the farmers of customers get different fertilizer nutrients at once. Contain comprehensive....
Waste management - especially in big cities in Indonesia and is one of the problems that until now a challenge for city managers. Pollution from waste and urban waste, the most important in Indonesia....
Gramalet Tablets manufactured with nutrient composition based on an order ( flexible) customer-based on the condition of land fertility and crop types of customers. With the macro-nutrient content....
In general, starfruit ( Averrhoa carambola) planted in the garden culture, as a sideline business or shade plants in the pages of the home. One of the challenges in the cultivation of starfruit ( ....
Indonesia has a variety of agricultural products, especially horticultural germplasm diversity and variety that allows to support the development of fruit, vegetables and flowers. But the results of....
Gramafix� � Rubber as a compound fertilizer formula tablets and manufactured specifically for rubber plants will help farmers customers get fertilizer nutrients as well. With full content covering the....
Tableting technology and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting the program locally specific fertilization fertilizer or fertilizer which is based on conditions specific land....
The completeness of the production of compost using Biophoskko� � Rotary Klin type for this communal scale ( several RT, housing blocks, RW, markets, hotels, factories and commercial areas) has become....
Leuwigajah and TPS in Lembang landfill garbage avalanche is a tragedy. But behind the tragedy, who knows there lesson. We should be optimistic thinking, Leuwigajah Landfill tragedy may be a turning....
) The main function of organic fertilizer use is not a fertilizer granules but providing organic C and - in limited numbers, also the main macro-nutrition ( NPK) , secondary nutrient ( Ca-Mg-S) and....
Each plant requires a minimum of 16 elements or substances to its growth, and of 16 elements, three elements ( C, O, H) obtained from air and water. Meanwhile, 13 other elements obtained from the....