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Jl Pungkur No 115 B
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Beras Sehat BerSekA®[Aug. 11, 2011 12:08:20]
PriceRp 62.500,- Per Pack 5 Kg
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Quantity5 Kg Per Pack
Pack. & DeliveryPlastik PE 0,8 mm
Healthy Rice BerSeka® , is produced from Priangan West Java rice fields, located by the mountain range, with the pure water that comes from the mountain as the water resources, the rice fields has a hi-mineral, clean and healthy water source. Micro elements enrichment at BerSeka rice planting, entirely involve the use of Specific Plants fertilizer, which is Gramafix® Padi ( rice. red) , and also the rice fields it self have special treatments by giving the Green Phoskko® in certain dosage. The use of compost makes the soil structure fertile and loose, and also capable to give the best condition in absorping micro elements optimally. By way of describe above, BerSeka rice contains mineral and vitamin- like zinc and iron that futile for health. BerSeka rice that produce from the local excellent variety, beside watch very carefully for the organic micro elements input to the plants, also very friendly to the environment. More over, in long term, BerSeka® Rice has involve in maintenance of the preservation and unharmed the soil structure in our fields rice. BerSeka Rice nutrition contents, according to the laboratory tests, it has value per 100 gram contains: water ( 13.29 gr) , Calory ( 358 kcal) , Energi ( 1498 kj) , Protein ( 6.5 gr) , Fat ( 0.52 gr) , carbs ( 79.15 gr) , fiber ( 2.8 g) and dregs ( 0.54 gr) . Beside the nutritions above BerSeka Rice contain mineral ( Fe, magnesium, Phosporus, Potassium, Zinc) and also vitamin. BerSeka Healthy Rice packing in PE 1 mm Plastic @ 5 kg- so that it can be kept for more than 6 months without changing in taste, color, nor smell. The market oriented still aiming at consumer who put health and environment care as priority. BerSeka® Healthy Rices procurement still based on by order with 5 tons minimum order. Limited rice fields with mountain water resources, makes this products prestigious. The shape of the rice is spherical and big, its white color like crystal and also the fresh fragrance with good and mellow tasted invite the appetite. Health and Prime living could only obtained by consume BERas SEhat tanpa Kandungan kimiA ( BerSeka) Healthy Rice without chemical content ( BerSeka) .
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