alat beton alat tanah alat aspal uji beton .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality .... Kompos, Mesin Granulator Kompos | Mesin Granulator Pupuk Organik, Mesin Pengering Kompos | Mesin Rotary Dryer Kompos, Cetak Kompos Manual | Mesin....
Biogas Digester BD 1000L or also called as portable biogas digester is the plant for cooking fuel at the household level. However, it can also be used in the provision of logistical needs to move ( ....
PT. Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, derived from CV to Limited Company ( PT) with Ano Notaries Muhammad, SH No. 5 and Indonesia of Justice Registration No.C- 03484th HT.01.01 Th 2006. Making agriculture ( ....
Uses / aplication : Lining Bessemer converters; acid concentrators; as binder in mfg.of grindstones; abrasive wheels; catalyst; silica gels; soaps & detergents; adhesives; bleaching/ sizing....
our main business are : 1. manufacturer , importer , exporter , supplier chemical and equipment ( since 1990) 2. textile trading company ( since 1993)
Vibrating Screen for more specifications you needs or order, dont hesitate to contact me anytime.. for you as my customer, there are no boundaries time for you to contact me..
COMPANY PROFILE INTRODUCTION In 2005 we were concentrated for the moulding and Rubber sparepart manufacturing. inspired by Mr. Iding Kusnadi of his hardwork in October 2009 we are expanding the....
Biogas BioDigester BD 1000L or Portable Biogas Digester is simultaneously generating waste destruction converter for cooking activities. Every day, under ideal conditions, produce 1 m3 of biogas, 50....
Recognizing that in the future chemical fertilizer ( anorganic) as non- renewable natural materials ( unrenewable) to the less availability, and, on the other hand, there is the health awareness of....
BriXUP terdiri dari bahan sederhana yang sangat aman untuk digunakan sebagai pupuk, karena terbuat dari bahan alamiah atau organic. Bahkan BriXUP juga aman untuk dikonsumsi manusia dan hewan karena....
Bergerak di bidang perkebunan dengan fokus di budidaya buah naga super red
BIOBOOST Harga wilayah A : Rp .128.000 , - Harga wilayah B : Rp .141.000 , - Product Description Bioboost a biological fertilizer containing superior soil microorganisms, beneficial for....
NINAonlineshop is a company engaged in the sale of electrical appliances, Electronics, Detox, Herbal, Electronic Cigarette, Emergency Lighting, Alarm Motor, beauty, health, safety, property, services....
Organic plants suvenir with no chemical fertilizer/ pesticide. Suitable for wedding souvenir, green events and other events. Choices of Mint, Basil, Parsley Curly and Parsley Flat. Come with....
We serve good quality organic produce and services such as : 1. BABY Organic vegetable and Little BABY Organic vegetable for your baby 2. Organic Home Gardening one day training 3. Organic....
PANGSAENA� � PANGSAENA� � Supplement containing the complete macro and micro elements that constitute the development of the latest formula so it has a remarkable ability to increase production and....
Nazwacorp is agent especially Fitness & exercise with healthy food product.
Teh sangat baik untuk di komsumsi untuk kesehatan dll.
Proyek TPBU untuk pemakaman bukan umum ( Non Muslim )
Rotary Drying Drying machine with rotary system that originally design, effective for drying Flour and Organic Fertilizer
The original micro artificial fertilizers that contain elements bandung Indonesia Molybdenum ( Mo) , iron ( Fe) , boron ( B) , Zinc ( Zn) , manganese ( Mn) , copper ( Cu) , and Chlorine ( Cl) are....
made as a micro-nutrient fertilizer for farm products, such as oil palm, rubber, coffee, cassava and others. Micro Nutrients are needed plant nutrients in a very small amount, but the function is....
Biodegester is a tool to process bio waste or biomass in an airtight chamber , output : 1.biogas , 2. liquid fertilizer and 3.sllury equivalent to compost.
Handling garbage problem and to solving this from day to day more vivid but never arrive in solution that is easy and feasible method accepted in development. Admittedly the government' s role as the....
Non Subsidized Urea Produced by PT Pupuk Kujang
PT Rukun Insan Cahaya Hutama specialized in distributing chemicals for industry and food
BiobooST A region Price: USD .128.000, - Region B Price: USD .141.000, - product Description Bioboost a biological fertilizer containing superior soil microorganisms, beneficial for improving....
AsepCollection is a company engaged in the sale of electrical appliances, Electronic, Detox, Herbal, Electronic Cigarette, Emergency Lighting, Alarm Motor, beauty, health, safety, property, services, ....