an Cost Estimation Company for Oil and Gas company at Indonesia.. Client : Chevron, Pertamina, IHE, PHE, PERTAGAS, Geo dipa energy, etc.
neptune interior is interior design company and contractors, our interior design services moving homes, apartments, offices, restaurants, hotels and things in the interior and all interior furniture....
Running Text dan Moving Sign Display adalah suatu media peraga elektronis dinamis yang dapat menampilkan teks, gambar animatif, jam dan tanggal serta variasi pergerakan objek yang bertujuan untuk....
General Trading, Hardware Automation, Software House, Web Developer, Networking Spcialist, Hardware Interfacing, IT Consultant, Computer Supplier.
PERLENGKAPAN WISUDA : Baju Wisuda/ Toga, Topi Toga, Matros, Samir/ Kalung, Medali, Map Ijasah, Slongsong Ijasah, Tropi Wisuda, Tropi Cumloude, Panji panji wisuda
We CV. Torche Indonesia engaged in IT, hiring for the position of " IT Programmer" with the following criteria: Male / female, Mastering Cake PHP, PHP Framework / CodeIgniter, MySQL, and JQuery. ....
20MHz Dual Channel Output 100MSa/ s Sample Rate 14bits Vertical Resolation 6 Digits/ s, 200MHz Counter Built-in 48 waveforms Powerful Waveform Editing PC Software Connectivity: USB Host & ....
Kami adalah penyedia peralatan Test dan pengukuran sejak 1991. Menyediakan semua range pengukuran, dari yang paling sederhana sampai yang kompleks. Kami akan melayani anda dengan support yang....
Tas yang lagi trendy saat ini dan lebih elegan apabalila dilihat. dengan warna yang bervariasi sehingga lagi ngetrend saat ini. bentuknya lucu dan elegan SUPER QUALITY BAHAN : Bahan Kulit....
Selamat datang di Jaya Advertising Anda membutuhkan merchandise gelang untuk promosi/ label berbahan dasar karet/ rubber dengan kwalitas yang prima? Datangi kantor pemasaran kami apabila anda....
company which can export and import of food product . we can transport our product to every where place, because we have company in transportation ( container self)
Geocitra Dwipanja Indonesia providing services and data processing georadar survey, conducted with optimal system, thus providing the best results for clients. Georadar geophysical method is a method....
Geosurvey and Information Technology Consultant
specifications = material: Fleece And Oscar ( Calf Leather) inner lining: dacron Croton: Asahi Sablon: Plasticol Embroidery: Computers more Elegant
Our company is a company engaged in the manufacture of textile production, such as clothes, pants, uniforms, bags, hats, and others. with priority customer service, and provide competitive prices....
we provide a variety of electronic security equipment! with a wide range of products.
we are corporate CV. Trimitra Computindo
CANON EOS 60D 18-135 IS KIT Resolution: 18 MP LCD: 3 " Battery: Lithium Price: Rp. 6, 500, 000, - Warranty: 1 Year Warranty Datascrip Service and Spare Parts How to Transaction / booking: ....
CITYPIXELL is a top online retailer in Indonesia. We give you the opportunity to buy any product associated electronics / gadgets / notebook / camera, simply by accessing the websites to which we....
amanda dg selling brand of margarine factory price, suitable for making cake mix ingredients, bread and donuts. 151.000/ karton prices, prices may change at any time can go up can also go down. ....
selling a variety of products for the manufacture of cakes, donuts and bread: 1.palmia margarine & sortening 2.amanda margarine and shortening 3.bimoli 4.orchid butter 5.terigu 6.gula 7....
We design and produce perforated plat for your exterior nor interior need including Modern Fence, etc
we are creative company who design and manufacturing perforated plat from ( steel, Stainless, Aluminium) for interior design or exterior design including modern fence, lamp, etc