Jual Sondir Jakarta , Seluruh kawasan indonesia UAL ALAT LABORATORIM TEKNIK SIPIL CV RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK DI SELURUH INDONESIA Jual Alat Laboratorium teknik sipil CV RAKAJU LAB TEKNIk di Aceh Barat ....
CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality Control dan Geoteknik untuk peralatan kualitas Konstruksi Jalan, Jembatan, Gedung-gedung, Dam, dan konstruksi teknik sipil lainnya, khusus untuk....
is a company engaged in bpembuatan media for industrial needs. Both for textiles ( Water Treatment) , processing tires, oil, and also for the needs of other industries. The products which we are....
Sell Chemicals 1, 10 - phenantroline monohydrate Em. 107225.0005 Merck, 5 gr.
CV. SCIENTIFIC AUTEKINDO company engaged disales / supplier of chemicals ( CHEMICALS) pro analysis grade, like MERCK, OXOID, DIFCO, SIGMA - ALDRICH, FLUKA , PRONADISA, JT BAKER, BioRad, Promega, ....
The Highly cost-effective heating oven series for simple drying processes. The Ecocell line produces no noise and provides a very soft air convection within the chamber. Volume : 22, 55, 111, 222, ....
We are serve to laboratories, industries, universities and hospitals in term of laboratories equipment supply and service ( repairing, maintenance, installation, training and consultation) . We are....
ā ¢ Built-in circulating pump and water tank make these units portable and eliminate water waste. ā ¢ Circulating pump continuously forces water quietly across a set of aspirators, and therefore....
Chemical Analyst Pro, create a need for laboratory studies.
CV. SCIENTIFIC AUTEKINDO supplier of chemicals ( CHEMICALS) pro grade and technical analysis. In addition, we sell / provide LABORATORY EQUIPMENT. Ā Ā Autekindo been engaged since 4 years and....
Titrating tube with screw cap and integrated discharge and recirculation valve.
Laboratory appliance and Glassware, Health Appliance / Doctor , Appliance And reagensia research into the bio molecular, appliance Survey and measure the, Meteorology appliance, klimatologi and....
1. serve the purposes of laboratory equipment, glass tools, and materials testing laboratory equipment for soil, asphalt, cement and concrete. 2. provide repairs and modifications Labs tools. 3.....
we are manufacturing detergent and also other material such us desinfectant ( Lysol, karbol ) we sell in drum packing
WE are MAnufacturing product of: 1. Detergent and chemical for Laundry such as detergent, softener for use in hotel, laundry, and home base 2.House hold Chemical like metal cleaner, metal polish, ....