COMPRESSION MACHINE ELECTRIC / Test Beton / Mesin Press BetonELECTRIC COMPRESSION MACHINE For determining compressive strenght of concrete cube 15 x 15 x 15 cm of concrete cylinder 15 cm dia, X 30....
CIVIL ENGINEERING LABORATORY EQUIPMENT, PRICE, BROCHURE call : 0822 1638 0231/ 085647933461 Email: cs.alatlab @ / trikaryamajumandiri@ CV. TRIKARYA FORWARD SELF is a....
CONSOLIDATION TEST SET , ASTM D 2435 / AASHTO T - 216 For Determining the rate and magnitude of consolidation of soil when it is retained laterally , axially loaded and drained . Consist of : Â ....
VEBE TIME If you want to know the Complete Product Specifications In More Please Contact Marketing Dept: Taufan AMP - HP 082216380231 / 085647933461 E-mail: cs.alatlab @
CORE DRILLING TEST SET For cutting core samples from asphalt, concrete and other material on the road, run ways and structures. Specification : BI-401 Core Drilling Machine; cast alumunium....
STANDARD PENETRATION TEST / SPT; ASTM D-1586 - AASHTO T-206 For driving a split barrel sampler to obtain a representative soil sample and measure the soil resistance to penetration. Consist of : ....
SONDIR / HYDRAULIC CONE PENETROMETER 2, 5 Ton Capacity ( Type : SO-200HD) ASTM D-3441; According SNI 03-2827-1992 For determining cone resistance and friction resistance of soil layers. Description....
UNCONFINED COMPRESSION MACHINE, ASTM D-2166 / AASHTO T-208 For determining stress strain relationship of cohesive soil without confining pressure. Consist of : SO-501A Unconfined Compression....
SPEEDY MOISTURE TESTER, AASHTO T-217 For determining the moisture content of soil by means of calcium carbide gas pressure meter. Specification : SO-432 Speedy Gauge; M/ C range 0-20 % , sens.: 0....
SO-360 A LABORATORY CBR TEST SET ( CBR Laboratorium) , ASTM D-1883 - AASHTO T-193; According SNI 03-1744-1989 For determining the bearing ratio of soil. Consist of : SO-361 A Electrical Loading....
DIRECT SHEAR TEST SET, ASTM D-3080 / AASHTO T-236 For determining shearing resistance of soil sample Consist of : SO-52 Loading Machine Consist of : SO-526.1 Frame; welded steel frame hand....
MARSHALL TEST SET ; ASTM D-1559 AASHTO T-245 BI-320 MARSHALL TEST SET; ASTM D-1559 AASHTO T-245 For determining the resistance to plastic flow of cylinder specimen of bituminous paving mixture....
SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF HYDRAULIC CEMENT TEST For determining specific gravity of hidraulic cement Le Chaeller lask 250 ml cap, the neck graduated 0-1 ml and 15-24 ml 1 Pc Karosene Deaired kerosene ....
RAIN GAUGE Bucket type 100 cm mouth area, made of metal sheel, supplied complete with measuring glass with special scale. If you want to know the Complete Product Specifications In More Please....
SPECIMEN CUTTING MACHINE This cutting machine is suitable for cutting all kinds of building materials and specially designed for cutting concrete and stone core. This machine is predicted to adjust....
DRYING SHRINKAGE AND MOISTURE APPARATUS ASTM C-490 The apparatus has been designed and manufactured to the recommendation ASTM-C490, Where test are required on laboratory specimens taken from....