Name: Natural Garnet Color Change ( spessartine) Measurements: 9: 03 X6.98 X 4.4 Weight: - Transparency: Transparent Color: Color Change Clarity Ring: Gems comment: Smooth stone without....
We supply many kinds of high quality gemstones from both within and outside the country.All the items our store 100% Natural warranty.
Nama : Natural Black Opal TOP QUALITY Measurements : 7.7x7.7x5 Berat : - Transparency : Transparan Warna : Yellow Clarity Cincin : Loose Stone Komentar : Batu bersih, mulus tanpa kerusakan....
Name: Natural Pyrope Garnet Measurements: 7x7x5 Weight: - Transparency: Transparent Color: Red Clarity Ring: Loose Stone comment: Smooth stone without damage. If you are interested to....
Name: Natural Garnet ( pyrope) Measurements: 9.5 X 8 X 5.5 Transparency: Transparent color: Red Ring: Loose Gemstone Comment: There is little Sompel at the edge of the bottom but will not....