Consolidation test set/ konsolidasi type TT-515, ASTM D-2435/ AASHTO T-216, for determination the rate magnitude of consolidation of soil when it is restrained laterally, loaded and drained axially, ....
Dutch cone penetrometer/ sondir/ CPT, ASTM D-3441, Type TT-200/ TT-210, Kapasitas 2, 5 ton/ 5 ton, Hand operated
The use automatic compaction/ aspal compactor will result in consistensi and repeatable laboratory specimens, suitable for BS 598. Testing houses and design consultants who use the marshall methode....
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer ( DCP) for rapid determination of field CBR value ( Rapid Quality Control ) . Type TT-150
Plate bearing test, ASTM D-1194, AASTHO T-235, for determining ultimate bearing capacity of soil on place by means of field loading test.Type TT-250, Hydraulic jack, manometer, hydraulic hand pump, ....
COMPACTION TEST SET, TT-350. ASTM D-698/ D-1557 , ASHTO T-99/ T-180. digunakan pada lab mekanika tanah teknik sipil.TT-355 Extruder : steel frame, Hydraulic jack, UM-303 Square pan : Galvanized....
Compression machine for determining compression strength of concrete cube 15x15x15 cm or concrete cylinder 15x30 cm height, capacity 1500 kN, 2000 kN and 3000 kN, operation hand pump or electric pump....
PROVING RING PENETROMETER for determining penetration resistance of soil layers. Type TT-270
TB-320 Marshall Test Set/ marsall tes ASTM D-1559 AASHTO T-245 For determining the resistance to plastic flow of cylinder specimen of bituminous paving mixture loaded on the lateral surface by....
non nuclear density gauge for soil Standard: ASTM D6758 GEOGAUGE, non nuclear density gauge for site soil compaction control, stiffness and young modulus The GeoGauge is the only hand portable....
H-4114C Electrical Density Gauge for soil The Electrical Density Gauge ( EDG) is a non-nuclear alternative for determining the moisture and density of compacted soils used in road beds and....
GE-157 HEAVY DUTY SOLUTION BALANCE Original Brand : Ohaus - item number ( 1119-DO) 20 kg capacity x 1 g sensitivity, suppied complete with set of weight, sliding weight for tare up to 2270 g, ....
PUSAT PENJUALAN ALAT UJI BAHAN LABORATORIUM IMPOR & LOKAL. TBT Concrete testing equipment by Slump Test Set, Type CC-370, menggunakan standart ASTM C-143& AASHTO T-119, for determining slump/ ....
Compression Machine ( kuat tekan beton) , Kap 1500 KN / 2000 KN/ 3000 KN , ASTM C-39. Alat untuk menguji kekuatan beton frame, hydraulic system, hydraulic pump ( electric or hand pump) , force gauge ....
Cast iron , for forming concrete cylinder mold. dimensi : 15 cm dia x 30 cm height