Gramalet  ® Pepper is a complete compound fertilizer formulating specific to pepper plants will greatly help the farmers of customers get different fertilizer nutrients at once. Contain comprehensive....
Waste management - especially in big cities in Indonesia and is one of the problems that until now a challenge for city managers. Pollution from waste and urban waste, the most important in Indonesia....
Decomposers bioactivator Phoskko ® ( GP-1) packed ( @ 250 g / Pack) is a consortium of leading probiotic microbes ( bacteria aktinomycetes aktinomyces naeslundii-species, species Lactobacillus....
Tablet Gramalet ® Karet as ompound fertilizer formulating special for rubber trees plant. Its contain complete essential ingredient such as macro nutrient ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) ....
Gramalet ® Padi as fertilizer formulating specific for rice paddy and staple food crops like grain, rice plant, cassava, edible tuber. sweet potato, ect. It' s contain complete or complex essential....
Biophosko ® RKE-2000L are commonly used for heat processing of minerals, garbage and trash. Rotary Kiln Type RKE-2000L with the dimensions ( height= 200 cm, width= 230 cm, length= 280 cm, Weight= 750....
Biophosko ® Rotary Klin RKE-1000L) with dimension ( Height= 190 cm, width= 155 cm, length= 290 cm) made of metal and fiber resin, motor engine 3 House Power ( HP) and others aeration tools. Rotary....
Biophoskko ® Rotary Klin RKM-1000L with the dimensions ( Height= 190 cm and width= 155 cm, Weight= 750 Kg and length= 290 cm) , made of metal and fiber resin and others aeration tools. Trash Rotary....
Biophosko ® Hand Rotary with the dimension ( Height= 100 cm, width= 67 cm, Weight= 155 kg and length= 90 cm) made of fiber resin and others aeration tools. Rotary Klin Biophosko ® is a perfect....
Gramalet ® as compound fertilizer flexible formula have complex ingredient such as macro nutrient like Nitrogen ( N) , Phosphorus ( P) , Potassium ( K) , and enrichment by secondary nutrient like....
Biophoskko ® Compost Bin [ L] have a dimension ( Height= 90 cm, diameter= 55 cm) , a drum made of plastic is the right solutions to overcome trash ( especially for organics trashes came from....
Biophoskko ® Compost Bin [ M] with dimensions ( Height= 80 cm, Diameter= 40 cm) , a drum made of HDPE plastics is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for organic trash from households....
Biophoskko ® Compost Bin [ S] with dimension ( Height= 60 cm, Diameter= 35 cm) , a drum composter made of plastic is the right solutions to handle trash ( especially for organic trash from households....
Gramalet ® Jagung as a compound fertilizer formula specific for corn plants crop. Itâ € ™ s contain complete essential ingredient such as macro nutrient Nitrogen, Phosphorus, kalium / Potassium ( N, P, ....
Gramafix ® Ornament Plant Flowers as a compound fertilizer formula special for of kind flowers fertilizing needed. The group of flowers are like rose, jasmin, etc. Its contain complete nutrient such....
Gramafix ® Buah ( Fruits Fertilizer) as compound fertilizer formula special fruits plants, like : mangos, orange, gujava, banana, apple, mangistan, star fruit, lychee, hamlet. etc. Itâ € ™ s contain....