Description PLN kVArh charge excess usage on the customer, if the average power factor ( cosQ) less than 0.85. To improve the power factor of the solution is the installation of Power Capacitor. ....
Established on November 2, 1990 under the name. CATUDAYA PERKASA, and on 24 August 2001 changed its name to PT. DATA CATUDAYA Prakasa VISION: Being the national industry with high technology....
Gramalet Tablets manufactured with nutrient composition based on an order ( flexible) customer-based on the condition of land fertility and crop types of customers. With the macro-nutrient content....
Technology tablets and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting local programs of fertilizer which is based on the specific conditions of appropriate soil fertility conditions and soil....
We offer exclusive kebaya by design, where in the process we did with the hand made process, which is handled directly by the experts. Design that we make is designed, with design models and colors....
Traditional and Modern Wedding Package Serving: * Make up & Bridal Hair Do * Make up & Hair Do for Parents, committee, Pagar Ayu & Pagar Bagus * Rental Kebaya ( Bride, Pagar Ayu, Pagar Bagus, ....
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Electric Rotary Biophosko ® RKE-2000L are commonly used for heat processing of minerals, garbage and trash. Rotary Kiln RKE-2000L with dimensions ( height= 200 cm, width= 230 cm, length= 280 cm, ....
Tableting technology and mixing ( granulation compound) is useful in supporting the program locally specific fertilization fertilizer or fertilizer which is based on conditions specific land....
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Sell orders and working on wooden craft specialists. material available teak, mahogany, sono. for homes, hotels, cafes, restaurants, office. especially for interior and exterior decoration with....
MIX BED Dimensi : 250 mm x 1880 mm Material Kontruksi : Galvanis Mild Steel + FRP 1, 5 mm Kapasitas : 1m3/ jam Resin : Cation Resin Lewatit Bayer : Anion Resin Lewatit....
We provide Cargo Services Naval Expedition, custome Clereane. LCL-FCL Cargo Service, Trucking Service,
CV. Andalan Tunas Anugrah, established since 2007, Our company is engaged in export-import, intersuler, and transportation services. our facilities: 12 unit trailer 20 unit Chassis office and....
Database of over 10 million email addresses Indonesia, 100 million email addresses from various countries overseas and international e-mail addresses by category. Also available is 6000 More Address....
In general, starfruit ( Averrhoa carambola) planted in the garden culture, as a sideline business or shade plants in the pages of the home. One of the challenges in the cultivation of starfruit ( ....
Indonesia has a variety of agricultural products, especially horticultural germplasm diversity and variety that allows to support the development of fruit, vegetables and flowers. But the results of....
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ADULT18 + is a special online store cheapest and most complete adult with 100% guarantee of quality new goods. We provide VAGINATOR, Dildo, Vibrator, Condoms, Ring and Lingerie. To view our....
The completeness of the production of compost using Biophoskko ® Rotary Klin type for this communal scale ( several RT, housing blocks, RW, markets, hotels, factories and commercial areas) has become....
Leuwigajah and TPS in Lembang landfill garbage avalanche is a tragedy. But behind the tragedy, who knows there lesson. We should be optimistic thinking, Leuwigajah Landfill tragedy may be a turning....
* Polyspun/ D300 for excellent wind & water resistance * Foam pad for shoulder protection * Adjustable waist * Stretch panel on back for comfort movement * Comfortable inner lining * Multiple....
We offer motorcycle jacket with the best design, quality products, and services maintained customer satisfaction