You live in Indonesia, and wants to start a store that provides daily needs like a mini mart? And you do not know how to start this business? Why you did' nt call me? With 25 years experience in....
Provide : 1. Rapid Development Appraisal for Community Economic Development Action base upon Collaborative agenda, specifically for mining and plantation corporate. 2. Counseling in implementation 3.....
Corporate Social Responsibility Consultant Focus at Local Economic Development Aproach
- Research Organizer ( research marketing, etc.) -Data Collecting -Data Consultant -Data Analysis -Training & Private Tutor
Anda punya bisnis yang mau dijalankan secara online di internet ? MLM, Dagang, Jasa atau apapun, kami SIAP menjalankan untuk Anda. Caranya mudah ! Dengan menyewa fasilitas hosting dari kami, Anda....
General Trading, anything you need, we can support to you.