CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality Control dan Geoteknik untuk peralatan kualitas Konstruksi Jalan, Jembatan, Gedung-gedung, Dam, dan konstruksi teknik sipil lainnya, khusus untuk....
PT. Mega Bakti Teknik is a Producent and Agen for marketing of Material Testing Equipment and Mining Preparation Equipment. Since of 1974 and one of the pioneer of material testing equipment in....
Dear Valued Customer, PT. DUTA BUANA ABADI INDONESIA is a equipments' supplier and manufacture of Quality Control equipments for measuring qualities of street construction, Bridge, Physical plant....
We are Manufacturer of complete educational aids ranging from kindergarten-primary and junior-high school-SLB. We are ready supplying props for the project ( DAK and other projects) to all regions in....
With the growing development in various fields be it industrial or manufacturing , we provide a variety of needs for different types of air filters , including pre filter , washable filter , filter....
Cleansee is an SME providing bins, potted tree drums / cans, jerry cans, cans, drums, barrel / cask, etc. Suitable to be placed in home, park, school, office, hospital, hotel, shopping mall, sport....
we are a leading company in Indonesia who had dedicated themselves engaged in the water, waste treaement equipment, ready to help your in the case of field work: 1. industrial water treatment 2.....
We are a Trading Company based in Bandung, Indonesia. We sell all kinds of Industrial Needs such as, Bearings, Machinery and Spare Parts. We also supply Laboratory Equipment with items like....
One Surveying is your one stop source for surveying equipment. providing sales, hire, service to the quality line of Surveying Equipment including Total Station, GNSS GPS....
1. serve the purposes of laboratory equipment, glass tools, and materials testing laboratory equipment for soil, asphalt, cement and concrete. 2. provide repairs and modifications Labs tools. 3.....
CV. Bagja Commerce Engineering ( BNT_ Bandung) which is a supplier of used and new engineering tools such as Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Waterpass, GPS, and Accessories. With a variety of....
Lokasi koordinat : -6.95558, 107.608229 or -6Â ° 57' 20.15" , + 107Â ° 36' 29.61" is an e - commerce website under the auspices of PT Sarana Global Teleco Indonesia , which sells variety of products like appliances required in various fields of Marine Equipment , ....
NO : 0001/ SP â € “ KRC / KWI/ IX/ 15 Kepada Yth : Bapak / Ibu Pimpinan Dengan Hormat, Pertama â € “ Pertama, kami ingin mengucapkan terima kasih karena berbisnis dengan kami dan suatu....