CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality Control dan Geoteknik untuk peralatan kualitas Konstruksi Jalan, Jembatan, Gedung-gedung, Dam, dan konstruksi teknik sipil lainnya, khusus untuk....
PD. Sido Jaya is a trading company distributing of Epoxy Resin under the brand of LYCAL - LOYAL and selling mortar cement and Aerated Lightweight Concrete ( ALC) under the brand of Andatu.
Our PT MBT UTAMA, prodsusen MTE equipment ( Material testing Equipment) since 1974, would like to offer laboratory testing equipment for soil, concrete, asphalt, ( construction material testing....
Building iron contruction, Interior& Exterior ( Design & Pabrication: Railling Stairs, Colom Cover, Balkon from Stainless Stell & Wrought iron, Canopy, etc. Folding Gate, Rolling Door, Henderson,
CV. JAYA MAJU TEKNIK Kami adalah Supplier peralatan Quality Control untuk keperluan peralatan Konstruksi Jalan, Jembatan, Gedung-gedung, Dam, dan konstruksi teknik sipil lainnya, khusus untuk....
PT Indo Prima Lengka present as special kontraktror engaged in civil construction and in the manufacture of sports facilities Facilities ( Building futsal, sports stadium, GOR Badminton) , Making....
AcalaPati, AcalaPati, bergerak dalam jasa one stop shopping di bidang Konstruksi mulai. Jasa Perbaikan Rumah dan Perawatan Rumah, Jasa Kontraktor Bangun Rumah ....
In the field of: - Make the batako L II, Paving, Kansteen, Gorong gorong etc - Supplier of natural Stone material side, sand, split, brick-building etc - Related consulting services about....
Our company " Benteng Perkasa" is a lightweight brick factory in Bandung region. The power of light brick / " Beton Enteng" we approached slightly below Hebel / AAC in the market.
providers of goods and services, available building materials, bricks, sand, wood house construction services and building, home design home renovation and decoration remodeling
PT. Samson Jaya Utama is a professional company engaged in the Building Materials Industry, BLOCK PAVING especially from 1985 to present. PT. Samson Jaya has 3 Main Branch Showroom and marketing as....
consultant design architectured, designinterior, estate management and building contruction
Marble, Basalto, Lime Stone Calcium Carbonate, Zeolite, Ball Clay, Silica Sand
Suplier & Contractor Building Town House,