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When you think about industrial machinery...just think about CV. WORLD TECHNIQUE in Bandung City...!
Contact Information
Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Windows Live: cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com
Y!: cv.worldtechnique@yahoo.com 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian at BANDUNG
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. Bpk. Eddy / Ibu Elly Rahadian at BANDUNG
Jalan Kawaluyaan Indah XV No. 16 - Komplek Kawaluyaan indah
BANDUNG 40286, Jawa Barat
Valid Address
PAKET PENGOLAHAN KARET MENTAH ( SIR) , Mesin pertambangan, MESIN BUBUT, MESIN CNC, EDM, Mesin Karet, Mesin Plastik, Mesin Grafir, Mesin Tekstil, Mesin Rajut, Ashalt Mixing Mill, PAKET Mesin Pengolahan limbah Kertas, Mesin Pengolahan plastik, Mesin Printing
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Mesin Pengolah Karet

Mesin Pengolah KaretMesin Pengolah karet kami jual antara lain :

1. Mesin Extruder Karet WT/Paket (+ Oven Vulkanisasi, Mesin Rajut Selang, Mould) (Lokal)
2. Mesin Extruder karet Cold/Hor Feed (Import)
3. Mesin Open Mixing Mill
4. Banbury Kneader
5. Mesin Press Karet Hidrolik/Otomatis (skala kecil dan besar/biasa digunakan untuk pembuatan belt conveyor)
6. Mesin Crusher/ Penghancur Karet
7. Mesin Vulkanisir Ban mobil/Truck (Skala Industri)
8. Oven Vulkanisasi
9. Mesin Buffing, Building dan Boiler.

Kamipun menjual paket mesin-mesin, diantaranya :
- Mesin Pengolah Getah Karet Alam/mentah
- Mesin Vulkanisir Ban (Skala Industri)
- Mesin Penghancur/ Daur Ulang Karet (Skala industri)

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut/ permintaan mesin pengolah karet lainnya, silahkan hubungi kami untuk lebih jelasnya..
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Mesin Filling / Pengisian Juice / Cairan Kental/ Panas
Filling Machines :

This machines is used to use for Mineral Water Filling Industry.

Our Liquid Filling Technology of gravity was learned from the latest technology from....
Open Mixing Mill / Pembuat Kompon Karet
Open Mixing Mill

This machine equips with double rubber block devices to replace the artificial over rubber, packing, reduce labor intensity. It adopts korean aircraft....
Mesin Extruder Karet ( Import)
Rubber Extruder Machine

If you are interested,
please feel free and send inquiry to us for more details.

Just remember...
Think Machine...Think about World Technique in....
Banbury Kneader
Banbury Kneader

The machine is applicable for plasticating, mixing and refining of rubber and plastics, especially applicable for mixing all together with rubber, synthetic....
Mesin Pengolah Limbah Ban Bekas
please contact us for the latest stock, Prices and more informations about this full package production line machinery.

Mesin Vulkanisir Ban
Renew Tyre Machinery

for more information, please contact me..
Mesin Press Karet / Mesin Press Otomatis
Rubber Press Machine

any specifications request/ needs ?

Please contact me for more detail of what you' ve lookin' for..
we can make as your request.

CV. World....
Mesin Penghancur Karet
Rubber Crusher Machine

This machine are the best in its class, and for more specification needs/ price, please contact me for more details bout it..

thank you
Mesin Vulkanisasi Karet ( Auto Clave/ Oven)
Vulcanisation Chamber Machine

Looking for more detail explanation about these great stuff? ?

contact us for the details..

Thank you
Paket Mesin Pembuat / Pengolahan Karet SIR
Contact me by phone or meet me at my place for more details of these Plant..

Just 1 thing u should remember...

When u think bout' Machine...Then.. Think about CV. World....
Mesin Press Karet Hidrolik
Rubber Press Machine

any specifications request/ needs ?

Please contact me for more detail of what you' ve lookin' for..
we can make as your request.

CV. World....
Mesin Press Karet Hidrolik 2
Rubber Press Machine

any specifications request/ needs ?

Please contact me for more detail of what you' ve lookin' for..
we can make as your request.

CV. World....
Mesin Mangel Karet Mentah / RSS / SIR
Rubber Machinery for making RSS or SIR

For more detail, please contact us directly.
Mesin Penghancur Karet SIR
Rubber Machinery

This machines used to operate in the SIR or RSS Industry.

For more detail, please contact me for sure..
showing 1-14 of 14