Specification :
1. Wood Plant Investment Jabon
1.1. Budget Analysis
In the area of one hectare land with planting patterns of 2x2 m ( 2500 trees)
1. Purchase Seeds 2.500/ batang x US$ 0, 25 = US$ 625
2. Purchase Seeds Penyulam 625/ batang x US$ 0, 25 = US$ 156, 25
3. Equipment US$ 250/ set = US$ 250
4. Purchase of Fertilizer ( NPK, Urea, Fertilizer Compost) = US$ 918, 75
5. Labor Costs
a. Processing of Land US$ 5/ HOK x 50 HOK / Hectare = US$ 250
b. Planting holes US$ 5/ HOK x 75 HOK / Hectare = US$ 375
c. Planting US$ 5/ HOK x 25 HOK / Hectare = US$ 125
6. Maintenance costs / maintenance for 5 years = US$ 500
7. Pesticide
a. Insecticides Conditional US$ 50/ year x 5 years = US$ 250
b. Conditional fungicide US$ 50/ year x 5 years = US$ 250
8. Raising Intercropping Turmeric / Farmers Care Warranty = US$ 1.300
TOTAL = US$ 5.000
1.2. Acceptance In Jabon Investment
In the area of 1 Hectare Land Cropping Pattern 2x2m ( 2500 Trees)
1. Thinning
Estimated 0.5 m3/ pohon at age 3-4 years x 1250 tree = 625 m3
Count: 625 m3 x US$ 100 ( diameter 30-39 cm) = US$ 62.500
2. Harvesting end
0.75 Estimated m3/ pohon at age 5 years x 1250 = 937.5 m3 tree
Counts: 937.5 m3 x US$ 110 ( diameter 40-49 cm) = US$ 103.125
1.3. Investment Benefits Analysis Jabon
In the area of 1 Hectare Land Cropping Pattern 2x2m ( 2500 Trees)
I. GAIN Receipts ( thinning + Harvest end) = US$ 165.625
Harvest Operating Costs:
1. Cost cutting $ 15/ m3 x 1562.5 m3 = US$ 23.437, 5
2. Log transport costs of wood from the garden $ 5/ m3 x 1562.5 m3 = US$ 7.812, 5
3. Log transport costs of timber to plant $ 10/ m3 x 1562.5 m3 = US$ 15.625
4. Zakat / infak 2.5% = US$ 4.140, 625
5. Retribution ( travel permit from local government) = US$ 1.656, 25
Total operating expenses = US$ 52.671, 875
Total Net Profit = US$ 112.953, 125
The pattern of cooperation with the concept of SHARING with the scheme as follows:
The owner of land = 10%
Investors = 50%
Sharecroppers = 20%
Manager ( CV. TUTURUBUS) = 15%
Security Team = 5%
Total = 100%
1. LAND OWNER is the person / company / organization that has a land with a valid proof of ownership ( Letter Girik / AJB / HGU / SHM) .
2. INVESTOR is the person / company / organization that financed the initial investment with a total investment of US$ 5.000 / hectare of land.
3. Community Group sharecroppers Farmers around the location of land that nurtured and acted as executor of the planting, maintenance and harvesting during the planting to harvesting.
4. MANAGERS are breeder seeds of Agriculture and Forestry CV. TUTURUBUS who manage and be responsible, since its initial investment through the sale of the crop.
5. TEAM SECURITY Security is Responsible Plants from various disturbances from outside actors and parties to the actors themselves
The owner of land = 10% x US$ 112.953, 125 = US$ 11.295, 3125
Investors = 50% x US$ 112.953, 125 = US$ 56.476, 5625
Sharecroppers = 20% x US$ 112.953, 125 = US$ 22.590, 625
Managers = 15% x US$ 112.953, 125 = US$ 16.942, 9687
The security team = 5% x US$ 112.953, 125 = US$ 5.647, 6562
* ) The distribution of return will be paid in cash, immediately after selling the harvest at the end of the planting period.
* * ) Estimate based on calculations from various sources to enter the estimated results and the lowest price.
Net profit per 5 years
The owner of land = US$ 11.295, 3125
Investors = US$ 56.476, 5625
Sharecroppers = US$ 22.590, 625
Managers = US$ 16.942, 9687
The security team = US$ 5.647, 6562
- PAY BACK PERIOD ( PBP) : 0.0309%
- REVENUE-COST RATIO ( R / C Ratio) : 47.32%