Problematic garbage and waste along with the increase of population requires proper management, one for the type of organic waste decomposed ( decomposition) through the fermentation process into gas....
The condition of the ever increasing deficit ( lack of) in meeting the needs of fertilizer nutrients, either type or amount, from year to year the greater unknown. For Indonesia else, means to meet....
Problematic garbage and waste in line with increasing population requires proper management, one for the type of organic waste decomposed ( decomposition) in anaerobic in airtight conditions or....
The process of decomposition of organic material occurs in anaerobic ( without oxygen) or air-tight. Biogas, with generating bacteria such as Green Phoskko ( GP-7) on bio-reactor or digester BD 5000L....
The process of decomposition of organic material occurs in anaerobic ( without oxygen) . Biogas is formed on days 4-5 after biodigester fully charged, and reached the peak on days 20-25. Biogas is....
Bulking ( Bulking Agent) Green Phoskko  ® ( GP-2) , packed in PP bag each 7 kg / PP bags. is the starter for the composting of organic waste is made of various mineral substances to function as....
Development of organic fertilizer is not as simple as managing the inorganic fertilizer ( synthetic chemical) - which has been equipped with the Indonesian National Standard ( SNI) and sophisticated....
Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) Compost Activator ( @ 250 Gram/ Pack) is microbe consortium ( bacterium, aktinomycetes, yeast, etc) organic materials decomposing ( waste, agriculture, ranch, and others) to....