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Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

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Memupuk Tanaman Buah Dalam Pot ( Tabulampot)
PriceRp 450.000,- Per Karton Isi 60 Pack 250 gr (loco Bandung)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, Bank Cheque
Quantity@ 250 Gram x 20 Pack Per Karton
Pack. & DeliveryKarton (D/W, K 200/M150/K200 ( 360x355x263) mm
Tabulampot or fruit plants in a pot media plant growing public interest, especially for those who live in urban areas. Objectives include maintaining " tambulampot" to obtain satisfaction of seeing the plant in the pot dense fruit, fresh and nice views. However, not infrequently tabulampot owners who do not know how to care for her.
easy-tabulampot how to care for the now also included into the group of ornamental plants, in order to remain beautiful, healthy, and fruitful. Ornamental plants are now not of shrubs and vines and flowering plants and small-leaved, fruit crops have also relied upon the beauty of the fruit mix with all the plants in pots. Type avocado, durian, jackfruit and large are some examples of fruit crops can be grown in pots - though difficult to be used as a potted plant. Jambu bol Meanwhile, pink roses, mangosteen, longan, rambutan, jackfruit and honey, including examples of relatively easily cultivated as a potted plant-plant Fruit Pot [ Tabulampot] . Generally fruit weighing 0.5 kg - which is used as potted plants easily include star fruit, rose water, guava, citrus-jerukan, sapodilla, pomegranate, kelengkeng, and most of the mangoes. Various kinds of ornamental plants require a balanced fertilizer, but distinguished from the type of chemical fertilizer and compost, also require major nutrient composition of nitrogen and potassium.
Fruit Crops Gramafix Pot [ Tabulampot] ( 17-8-17 - 3-7-3 + 1) has been formulated specifically intended for fruit plants in pots will greatly facilitate the use of ornamental plants pehobi on tabulampot.

Gramafix® Ornamental Plants Fruit composition of nutrient content of fertilizers special for Fruit Ornamental Plants. This fertilizer has been specially formulated based on nutrient needs of various fruit plants in pots ( Tabulampot) such as brown, orange, pomegranate, guava bol, pink roses, mangosteen, duku, Jambul, longan, rambutan, jackfruit and honey, etc.. With the completeness of nutrients they contain primary macro ( NPK) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro ( Fe, Zn, B, Cl, Bo, Mo) , fertilizer Gramafix ® presented Ornamental Plants Flower-shaped tablet size 3 grams and 10 grams. This formula has been registered in the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No.: T903/ BSP/ II/ 2003.

Complete the nutrient content of each tablet Gramafix ® Fruit Ornamental Plants ( Tambulampot) makes lovers of ornamental plants in fostering the plants do not need to mixing and adding other elements such as urea, SP and KCL as usual. Presented in 3 gram tablet size is adjusted to the needs of application and dosage of ornamental plants.

This product can be obtained with a practical and fast through online shopping at so you instantly get info shipping costs, Bank Payment, shipping and how long check ( tracking) the process of shipping via the Post and Expedition.
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