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Name:Mr. wahyu wibisana [Marketing]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. wahyu wibisana at bandung
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. wahyu wibisana at bandung
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. wahyu wibisana at bandung
Address:jl. ir h juanda 278 e
bandung 40135, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jul. 1, 2009
Business Nature:Trade of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

W.W is trade company which markets in fruits and major commodity is cassava ( indonesian : tape ) . cassava which us be marketed has been pack in excellent packing, nice performing and hygienies, and also its makes from excellent commestible quality. its be traded in bandung city.
our company serve peyeum with exclusive cellophane and hygienies to be nice performing.
definitions of peyeum is:
Peuyeum [ pe' -er ye' oom] , sometimes referred to as Tape telur [ tah-phe te-lur] is a fermented food prepared with Cassava root. The term telor actually means egg or white, and for some reason the term is also used for tape in certain parts of Indonesia. This is possibly in the sense that the tape is white in reference to good quality of the fermented cassava. In Bandung, west Java, tape cultured with cassava root is known as Peuyeum [ Sunda or Sundanese] . In west Java, Peuyeum Bandung is a popular term used for this particular cultural product. Due to the slight presence of alcohol produced by fermentation, peuyeum has very slight bitter taste, however it is more than compensated by the dominant sweet and unique taste.
Meaning of words :
fermented : fer · men · ta · tion ( fà » r' mYn-t ' shYn, -m n-)
1.a. The anaerobic conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast.
b. Any of a group of chemical reactions induced by living or nonliving ferments that split complex organic compounds into relatively simple substances.
2.Unrest; agitation.
Cassava : cas · sa · va ( kY-sà ¤ ' vY)
n. In both senses also called manioc, yuca.
1.A shrubby tropical American plant ( Manihot esculenta) widely grown for its large, tuberous, starchy roots.
2.The root of this plant, eaten as a staple food in the tropics only after leaching and drying to remove cyanide. Cassava starch is also the source of tapioca.
[ Ultimately from Taino casavi, flour from manioc.]

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