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Mr. Eko Rubiyanto [Owner/Entrepreneur]


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Phone number of Mr. Eko Rubiyanto at Bandung

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Fax number of Mr. Eko Rubiyanto at Bandung


Jln.Cibuntu Barat RT 06/01 No.189 Holis Bandung Telp 022-70509110
Bandung 40211, Jawa Barat

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Registration Date: May. 24, 2023   Last Updated: Feb. 11, 2012
Business Nature : Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category

Company Brief

Lestari JayaLestari Jaya is a company engaged in the field of engineering who worked on the manufacture and repair of various kinds of machinery spare parts, textile industry, automotive, pharmaceuticals etc.

01. Manufacture and repair of industrial brushes textile, pharmaceutical, food
02. Manufacture and repair Mechanical seal
03. Manufacture various kinds of carbon ( Brush, Rotary Joint, Mechanical seal)
04. Making Teeth / Gear
05. Manufacture various kinds of seals / packing
06. Making and sharpening various kinds of industrial knives
07. Repair of different kinds of needles for industrial
08. Rotary Joint Repairs
09. Valve repair

Our Customer:
Ice Cream PT.Campina Surabaya, PT.INDOFOOD CBP Purwakarta
Semarang Packaging Industry PT. Semarang City, PT.SU Indonesia
Sunrise Steel PT. Mojokerto City, PT.E-Ind International
Cahaya Kencana Utama PT.Jakarta City, PT.Tri Fokus Tanggerang
Catur Kartika Jaya PT.Bandung City, PT Kendalindo Intan Kencana
Kamarga Kurnia PT.Bandung City, PT.Absolute Solution Batam
Indah Jaya PT.Bandung City -.Medco Downstream Indonesia.PT, Menara Jaya.PT
D& D Packagaing Indonesia.PT.Cikarang City, Kokita Putra Mas.PT.Bandung City
Gunung Mas.PD. Jakarta City.Dover Chemical.PT, Rajut Color Sejati Kerawang
Timur Raya Indo Usaha.PT.Jakarta City

Major Products / Services

Seller :
  • Sikat
    Selain menyediakan aneka macam sikat untuk keperluan industri baik industri makanan, farmasi, textile kami juga menerima pembuatan aneka macam sikat serta menerima rekondisi/ perbaikan aneka macam sikat untuk keperluan industri
  • Mechanical Seal
    Selain kami menerima rekondisi untuk aneka macam mechanical seal, kami juga menerima pembuatan aneka macam mechanical seal untuk berbagi keperluan industri
  • Carbon
    Selain membuat spare part kami juga membuat part yang tebuat dari carbon yang banyak di gunakan untuk rotary join, mechanical seal serta lainnya

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