BIORAJA is biogas plant construction company that provide anaerobic fermentation technology to produce gas and electricity from animal manure, organic and agricultural waste. Our service supplies the customer from small scale biogas plant into industrial power plant.
A. BIORAJA provide a service for government institution and private sector to solve their energy needs that efficient and environmental friendly, because biogas is a renewable energy. Our service including project design, construction, technology provider and operation & management ( O& M) . BIORAJA business range provide power supply to produce gas bio and electricity from tange 50 Kw into 1 Mw for:
2.Real estate and property
3.Palm oil plantations
4.Power plant
5.Small Medium Enterprises ( SMEs)
B. BIORAJA home scale biogas plant are build in our factory by experience worker that proven in product quality from 3, 5 cubic metre up to 20 cubic metre. Our knockdown biogas digester are made from mixing between fiberglass and resin material, which have some advantage such as easy to moved, simple construction, life cycle up to 20 years and easy maintenance.
Beside biogas digester from fiberglass material, also we can build a biogas digester fixed dome type for capacity above 20 meter cubic.
For more information, price & inquiry and detail of your project please contoct our costumer representative below.