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APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
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APPKMI - Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Kecil Menengah Indonesia ( Small and Medium Enterprises Association of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers )
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Mr. Sonson Garsoni, [Director/CEO/General Manager]
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Y!: sonsongarsoni 
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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, at Bandung West Java
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Jl Pungkur 115 B
Bandung West Java 40251, Jawa Barat
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Products Catalog

Alat Test Iodium - Digital Terter
PriceRp 4.000.000,- ( Loco Surabaya)
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QuantityPer 1 Unit
Pack. & Delivery2 Leather Bag
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In order to increase an effort to overcome disorder cause lack of yodium consume, especially goiter and endemic keratin in Indonesia, therefore Yodium within consumed salt must comply a prerequirement that has determined which is it has to contains no less than 30 ppm Yodium as KIO3 appropriate with SNI 01-3556-2000.
For the neccessary of quality control of Yodium within consumed salt, whether it in pruduction or consumer level it does necessary to have a competence measurement tools. Based on research results that perform by BARRISTAN INDAG Surabaya, it has tested a Yodium degree tester tools (Yodmeter) that developed from the prototype that produce by Research and Development Baristand Indag Surabaya in 1986. The capacity of this tools supported by the simplicity of the construction, operation, maintenance cost, but it still provide a thorough measurement result, accurate and easy to carry and as well as it has cost less than Rp. 100,- for each tests. Iodium tester is an enhanced tools hence the determining of Iodium degree is easier than ever. Analysis principle that used is kolorimetri analysis with Free Yod release development principle (l2) by Yodat, complex forming reaction blue colored yodiumylum, measurement of the intensity of blue color from Yod-amylum with Yodmeter.
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