ASTM D-2172 AASHTO T-164 For determining bitument content in hot mixed paving mixture and pavement sample BI-305 Centrifuge Extractor Electric, 220 V-AC, variable speed DC motor up to 3600 rpm, ....
CV. RAKAJU LAB TEKNIK.supplier peralatan Quality .... Laboratorium teknik sipil CV RAKAJU LAB TEKNIk di Purbalingga Jual Alat Laboratorium teknik sipil CV RAKAJU LAB TEKNIk di Purworejo Jual Alat....
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Good news PT.CAHAYA Lintas Semesta ( CLS ) is a company that helps import from all countries to Indonesia , serving LCL / FCL , air / sea , small goods / big we take care of everything , without....
WATER LEVEL INDICATOR The following two models are drum mounted with on / off indicator. A light and audible signal are activated when the probe touches the water. Battery operated, the cable....
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PT. Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana, derived from CV to Limited Company ( PT) with Ano Notaries Muhammad, SH No. 5 and Indonesia of Justice Registration No.C- 03484th HT.01.01 Th 2006. Making agriculture ( ....
Main Specification: Temperature obtain 40� � C constant use single element heater of 2, 500Watt 120� � C constant use double element heater of 2, 500Watts. Blower Motor 1 HP / 0.75 Kw, 110 -....
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We are one of the companies that produce their own laboratory glassware with machines that we have and reliable workforce since 2002, as well as an importer of raw materials borosilicate glassware ....
1. serve the purposes of laboratory equipment, glass tools, and materials testing laboratory equipment for soil, asphalt, cement and concrete. 2. provide repairs and modifications Labs tools. 3.....
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